Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Test, Test, one two three . . .

I'm hoping we're back in business!  After much surfing of the google ocean, I believe I've found where my picture problem arose.  Now, with a monthly fee firmly in place (who woulda guessed?!), I believe we're ON . . .

It's funny, but technology sure does have it's price.  On top of a week of trying to sort through the self help menus of google (there is no other help besides SELF on google!) and hopefully repairing the photo storage, we both now have new fancy "smart" phones that we're trying to get used to.  I swore we wouldn't join that whole movement but I must say that we both secretly coveted people checking their email from anywhere.  Along with that, the apps available for sailors on these devices as well as the ability to have internet access without carting a computer around on a dinghy, made the choice a little easier.  Oh - and I didn't mention the ability to convert these internationally to boot.

So if you're trying to reach us and get an email with dozens of misspellings (the keyboard is definitely taking some getting used to!) OR we drop your call (do you ever figure out these buttons and push the right one?!) - please don't think we're in a state of perpetual "sea fever"!  It's the over 50 learning curve at work!

Let's see how my new memory is working.  Here are a few photos from our recent adventures and camera experimentations . . .

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