Sunday, April 16, 2017

Starting to Get the Idea

We left off in Marfa TX where we stayed in the parking lot of El Cosmico, a new age hippie camping community.  With painted vintage campers along with Teepees, yurts and hammocks, people were sleeping in just about every manner.  They had a high priced gift shop ($300 4” handmade bowls?!), a makeshift bar and they offered a decent cup of coffee in the morning (with almond milk offered!).  Rob was still barely keeping it together so we played it cool (no bonfires or star parties for us yet).  Had a little picnic by the RV and played some cards. 

We hit the road early for the Guadalupe Mountains.  Again the scenery amazed us, the drive being along the edge of several small mountain ranges.  We drove into the Mountain time zone and gained an hour, entering Guadalupe Park around 11am.  National Park camping is generally first come first served.  We checked into the visitor center that informed us that everything was full.  We started considering alternate plans and lo, and behold, people started leaving!  We picked a site with an unimpeded view of the mountain range with a patch of grass and a picnic table and settled in.

Since Rob has not been recovering well, I made the decision that we were here until that changed.  We are in a wonderfully peaceful place with no artificial lights, a gorgeous view and all for a whopping senior rate of $4 per night!  We’re here until wellness arrives! 

It didn’t take long to get comfortable.  Rob took a nap and I took a hike!  My destination was Devil Hall, about a 5 mile round trip up the valley washout.  The hike was delicious!  Beginning with a relatively steep trail incline it moved into a big rocky washout.  Then the hiker’s staircase (which was steeper than any staircase I’ve seen before!) before a final rocky climb to Devil Hall.  With beautiful scenery in every direction and some good exercise, I was invigorated!

Returning back to our campsite, there were lots of people ready to hear about (and DRINK) Holy City beers!  Beginning with a group of 18 trail runners to folks from ages 23 to 70+ from multiple forms of sleeping arrangements – RV, tent, little pop up campers and the backs of cars!  What fun we all had talking adventures, lifestyles, beer and family.   Holy City beware – you’ll be hearing from these folks!

And now we’re on day 2 of mandatory recovery and we’re sitting still.  Well, Rob is!  I got him fed and things settled and headed out for another hike.  This one doing Frijole and Simon Springs trails, just under 8 miles.  I got out after 9 which I realized later was a bit delayed from ideal.  IT GETS BRUTALLY HOT HERE!!

I had a magical hike with huge vistas, wonderful wildflowers and a peaceful spring in an oasis of a canyon.  The trail again was challenging enough for my intentions today with significant climbs, more scrambling over rocks and LONG stretches in the beating sun.  The springs was a real delight at the mid point.  Walking from the rocky mountainside, all of a sudden entering lush forest with a crystal clear pool of water that has brought life to this area for lifetimes!  The last mile or so of the hike had me wondering if I’d make it before the heat got me but make it, I did.  With more good memories to record.

Rob, too, has had a better day and appears to finally be on the mend.  We’re here either way but if this continues, tomorrow will be Carlsbad Caverns in the morning and then El Paso for RV supplies and repairs (I’ll spare you those sad details!).  With Guadalupe being such a treat, I’m anxiously awaiting all the parks to come!


  1. Your mention of RV supplies & repairs is exactly what has kept me OUT of the RV lifestyle. Glad to hear Rob is improving and that beautiful scenery surrounds you! ;)

  2. Finally remembered to check the blog! My what an adventure you are having. And, Laurie, your writing is wonderfully descriptive and very engaging. ALMOST makes me want to RV around the country. Love that you are embracing the serendipity...I know I would find that hard, being a planner myself, but guess it takes your sense of adventure to put yourself in a position to go with the flow. Keep enjoying! Miss you in the neighborhood, but glad to travel alongšŸ›£

  3. Oops! Forgot to let you know the previous comment from Ann and Trav!
