Sunday, May 7, 2017

What Happens in Vegas...

With friends from Charleston recently moved to the area, Vegas was a must do on our itinerary.  The beer we had hoped to intercept as well as the much needed parts for the RV were also due to arrive here (even though NEITHER DID!).  So we battled our way through the Vegas chaos finding the laundromat, the Trader Joes, gas at Costco and supplies at dreaded WalMart and finally squeezed through the strip to find the parking lot behind the Paris Las Vegas casino which was notorious for allowing RV’s to spend the night there.

We knew Vegas was going to be an experience but when this colorful couple bounced out of their RV to play “camp hosts” to us, directly us into a parking spot across from theirs when we couldn’t identify one on our own, we knew we were in for quite a ride!  Bryant (Spry Bry, actually) and Sammy (Samanfah) were a delightfully friendly 20 something couple and were happy to accept a beer and make merry.  Bry, we quickly learned as he filmed the beer, our RV, Rob and anything he could focus on with his beautiful camera, is a film maker from Vancouver, BC.   Sammy, in her pastel hair extensions and glittery unicorn attire, is a costume designer from London who loves “color and sparkle”.

We had arranged to meet John, Kathleen (new friends from last night) and their friend John for a wander through the strip that eve and they showed up just minutes later as I was desperately trying to put the coach back in order.  We shared appetizers, beer and lively conversation.  Bry pulled out his mixer and played some tunes and we had an instant parking lot party!  As the evening wore on, we moved with our local guides to the strip to see the volcano act at the Tropicana, the fountains at the Bellagio, the gondoliers at the Venetian and the flowers at the Wynn.  John #1 &2 and Kathleen eventually headed home and we wandered back to our “spot in the lot” for a less than peaceful nor dark night!  (shocking how much light and sound can amplify after you’ve become used to quiet and dark!)

Waking at barely the crack of a 5am sweltering dawn, we decided fixing the A/C was priority #1.  After a much-needed wander to coffee, we found a wonderful garage, Masters Automotive, who got us right in and did a professional and reasonably priced job on our movable home.  THANKS, guys!  

The next order was to relocate to someplace a bit less chaotic for our 2nd Vegas night, that being Red Rocks Canyon on the far west side of town near our Charleston friends, Amy and Erik.
Although I am a city girl at heart, Charleston has a just a touch less energy than Vegas!  It was nice to settle into our site in the midst of another striking view.  

Amy and Erik soon arrived and we enjoyed a glass of wine and some apps enjoying the late afternoon breeze and light.  Next on the agenda was visiting their new home construction site and finding a place to enjoy dinner together.  It’s always fun to see a home going up and even more exciting to see how happy our friends were in their new locale.  We celebrated Cinco de Mayo at a local Mexican restaurant and, being Erik was driving, had “a few” margaritas!

After a much better night’s sleep than the night before, we woke to pack up yet again and meet Amy for a ride through Red Rocks Canyon and a hike to some petroglyphs and up Ice Box Canyon.  I have grown to appreciate the amazingly diverse flora of the desert and we spotted a lot of color amidst the rock and sand.  The contrast of cacti and wildflowers is especially striking.  Saying goodbye to Amy, we grabbed a quick lunch in the RV and did another couple mile hike around the visitor center before heading back into Vegas for a BBQ at John and Kathleen’s.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, we were chased down (literally) by several trail runners and race staff that were set up for an event (5k, 10k and ½ marathon) that morning.  BEER?  BEER!  PLEASE STOP!  And, of course we did!  The Holy City Brewing story certainly is a draw for magnetic people!  We had fun with the crazy Triple Dare trail running owner and cohorts, trading beer for shoulder massages and vitamin water! 

We ended our Las Vegas adventure with the BBQ.  John and Kathleen welcomed us warmly  When Bry and Sam showed up we decided we all needed to see exactly what these kids were up to and put on Bry’s movie “Taking my Parent to Burning Man”.  So, I’m just saying…this is a delightful and impressive film and if you’re in the mood for a fun docu-adventure, you MUST view it! (available on Netflix!!)  What a great night we had!  Fun people, great food and new friends. 

As the unexpected rain falls on the RV roof, I write in our Walmart parking lot home for the night.  Sad to have old and new friends in the rearview mirror but knowing the miles ahead will bring many more.


  1. Great story, thanks for telling it! My younger brother Jim lives in Vegas so I know how much fun and craziness exists there.

    1. It was quite a visit! We didn't expect to stay as long but had a great time! Miss you!
