Saturday, November 17, 2012

Little People!

Well, it's been a few days and we've really had not a lot to report.  The weather is, well, not exactly friendly. We've had high winds for days and days.  Today it all increased to a constant 20-25 mph and it's becoming prohibitive.  Getting from the boat to the dinghy and vice verse is an adventure in itself.  The waves have been as high as 2 feet and you can imagine trying to get into a dinghy while it's jumping around like a bucking bronco!

Our friends from Charleston, Jack and Nicole Midence arrived in St. Augustine yesterday and we connected today to journey to the sailor's mecca, West Marine, together.  Jack and Nicole are quite the sailing couple, living aboard with their 2 year old adorable daughter, Marrietta and their 4 month old son, Jack, who was born on their boat!  And they're braving this crazy weather with the whole family - along with all of the usual paraphernalia of parenting including a big double stroller!

We had a fun walk together, dodging the flood waters in town and otherwise finding our way.  Rob and I had gone to West Marine here a few days ago so we knew the ropes along with a restaurant that was nearby called Falafel Queen.  I think the mention of falafel was what enticed Nicole to pack up the gang for the adventure so when we arrived, that was our first stop.  Once again, we were not disappointed.  The food was delicious and I had a dish made up of fava and garbanzo beans sauted with tomatoes, onions, parsley and mint.  I've never had anything like it before and it was delicious!

Spending a day with little people was a real treat.  Marrietta is a little angel and her baby brother is as sweet as he can be.  Of course a 2 year old moves faster than the eye can see and we spent many moments trying to keep up with her antics.  I had forgotten what having a 2 year old in a retail establishment was like!  Sure does put West Marine visits in a new light!

We did our little shopping stint and headed back to town where we couldn't pass up the chance at the wine tour at the San Sebastian Winery.  After the tour and tasting, we went to the rooftop bar and ordered . . . BEER!  Ha . . . so much for their wine!  They had a duo playing sax and guitar and we enjoyed an hour before the kids decided it was time to move on.  We made it to the next bar and continued our fun with the kids asleep again from the stroll.

Tonight was the Light the Night celebration here where they lit the holiday lights in town so Rob and I grabbed a quick bite aboard and headed back in for the show.  It was really a simple, quaint little ceremony but the lights are always a great way to herald in the holiday season.  Happy Ho Ho Ho to all!

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