Sunday, November 1, 2020

FISH RULE BE DAMNED! August 30 – Sept 7

Ever hear of the fish rule?  The one about how company is kind of like fish – it starts to smell after three or four days…?!  Well, we’ve always tried to live by that one, not wanting to ever wear out our welcome!  We had headed to Colorado thinking Rob’s medical appts would fall right in the middle of our stay only to find out that the specialist would be on vacation at that very time!  With Jacob and Leslie having gone to Vegas (oh no, quarantine!) and Rob and Lidia headed to WY, we showed up at Rich’s with a full nine days before our next commitment! 

Rob graduated from CSU so Fort Collins is an old haunt for him and Rich and Lisa’s place boasts the perfect culdesac spot for parking Moonshadow.  We pulled in Sunday eve just in time to be whisked off to Smokin’ Fins for Sunday happy hour and BOGO sushi rolls!   Giddy from sour cherry mules and full of grilled shrimp nachos, we retired back at their place with no need to do a thing!

The nine days passed remarkably well.  I think we all had our reservations but no one had expectations and it worked out fine. Lisa still works but around her hours we managed to stay busy.  Her son Josh lives in Fort Collins as well with his adorable 18 month old son Sawyer.  Missing our granddaughter, Madi, it made for some good “baby time”. 

I killed a couple hours every day finding some form of exercise.  Walking the neighborhood, I found new routes throughout the days ranging from enjoying neighborhoods to checking out CSU’s environmental education nature walk.  I took to my bike one day to find a wonderful trail that stretched for 14 miles and led to the foothills.  Not making the whole stretch the first day, Rob later joined me to the end for some great exercise and a view to boot!

Rob and Rich helped move a sectional sofa to a second floor walk up to find it didn’t fit through the door!  Ends up that it has to be hauled up over the outside balcony which they left to Josh and his younger generation friends!  The brothers also played golf a few times – the Kramer competitive spirit in full “swing”! 

With Rob and Rich golfing and Lisa at work, I borrowed a car and head for the hills!  With the wildfires causing poor air quality, I couldn’t go up the canyon for the “real” hikes but I found a good one at Horsetooth Reservoir, part of Rob’s college stomping grounds.  Over seven miles and 1300’ of elevation gain offered some hard breathing and breathtaking views – both of which I don’t seem to get enough of!

We had two socially appropriate social events.  Rob and Lidia stopped by for a barbeque on their way back from Wyoming.  Josh joined in and we had a wonderful feast.  Brandyn and Mychal, two of Rich’s sons, came for the second with a repeat culinary performance and just as much fun.  Any kind of gathering is just that much more special during these times.

We ended our time together the same way we started and were back at Smokin’ Fins for a repeat of those sour cherry mules!  With the sky an eerie red haze from the wildfires and ash raining down throughout, we made the best of our outdoor setting.  Thankful for our health, safe travels and good family friends, we toasted a successful visit and looked forward to the next.

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