Sunday, November 1, 2020


Yes, we still have several more days to go before we make it across the state.  Granted, we’re not moving at warp speed and we’re enjoying some side roads vs any major highway so we essentially travel at snail’s pace, but we’re making our way nonetheless.

Today is another 3-4 hour day on the road (which always translates to adding at least another hour!).  With nowhere left to explore, we got right on the road and headed in a more diagonal direction toward Oklahoma City where we had a site waiting at the Wes Watkins Reservoir County Park.  

Staying with our no highway policy, the park was on the outskirts of town and the roads to it were long straight stretches of good road – not a bad route.

The drive was pretty uneventful although, as would be expected, some areas needed some work and we got jostled around pretty good.  After one such instance we heard a new noise.  We both heard it – a weird ticking kind of noise.  And it seemed to speed up at times.  Then we’d hear nothing for a while before it would start again.  Sometimes there seemed to be a loud buzz.  This went on for a while and we were becoming not only distracted but a little concerned when it finally just seemed to stop.

This park required that we check in at the entrance but we didn’t yet have a site so we proceeded on.  We found a site and got settled but then needed to register so jumped on our bikes to take care of business.  With that out of the way, we did what we always do (it’s my fitness regimen, what can I say?) and started to walk. 

The park didn’t cover a lot of real estate although it had a nice lake to look at and wander from one parking lot to the next.  We walked from one to the next, from park border to park border and even found a nice bench to sit at and enjoy the water for a while. 

Returning to Moonshadow, Rob set us up for a BBQ while I got all the food together.  Sometimes Rob just needs the traditional grilled chicken, potato salad and baked beans all of which he says I do best (grin) so we took our time and had a feast.  

When the sun set and the cool settled in we retreated inside for a game or two.  When I went to get the games out, I found one that had gotten tossed during our earlier travels during the day and realized … “hey, Rob, was this the sound?!” … Catch Phrase, the hot potato style word game had been being jostled by the crazy road and the darn timer kept starting and stopping – the game essentially playing by itself!  So much for our mystery noise!

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