Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hiking Warderick 01/27/13

Yesterday dawned rainy and dreary.  The front we were expecting arrived and brought with it numerous rain squalls, something very unusual for the Bahamas in wintertime.  The rain was welcome and washed all of the built up salt off the decks.

We waited for the first rain to pass and took the chance to take a hike through the interior of the island.  The Bahamas are made of a craggy black rock and very little vegetation.  Through storms and environmental abuse, the trees that were here ages ago are now gone with the Exuma Park working hard to reinvigorate the landscape.  The park has signs throughout describing species of plants and animals and although the hiking is over rough terrain, it is enjoyable and interesting to partake. 

We left the park office with the intention of visiting BooBoo Hill and headed down the beach side trails, planning on doing a loop further south on the island.  The middle of the island floods twice a day, nourishing the mangroves fields throughout the interior and leaving a lot of slippery, “mucky” spots to walk if you wander off the trail.  We crossed the middle of the island near low tide and made our way to the rocky shore of the Exuma Sound side.  Once again, there was a series of shoreline trails to follow. 

We always carry trash bags with us when we hike so we can pick up trash washed ashore.  That’s a small way to make a difference with our presence and we managed to fill two bags to overflowing as well as carrying several large pieces of plastic along as well.  It’s really quite shocking how much trash comes in from the oceans here - mostly plastic – bottle caps and pieces of buckets and milk crates, soles of shoes and lots of pieces of rope of all colors and sizes.

We climbed BooBoo Hill to find a monument of momentos, all in driftwood left by cruisers past and present.  It was a wonderful vantage point to look over with the whole of the island and its shores.  The sun came out for a short time, teasing us into thinking that some snorkeling might be in order so we headed back to the boat – just in time for the next squall to arrive. 

We're doin' just fine.
We spent the afternoon aboard, catching up on business and such with the internet connection we paid for through the park.  Unfortunately, the connection died right as the park office closed so many of the anticipated phone calls never got made.  We resorted to cards and movies and whiled the night away anxious to reacquire our signal today and hear some familiar voices . . . we’re thinking about you out there!!!

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