Saturday, January 12, 2013

Movin' On (1/12/13)

We never left the boat after moving to the Bonds Cay anchorage.  The rain came and went and the sun set and we never braved the weather to get out.  Rob spent most of the day recovering from his food poisoning and I did anything I could put my mind to – from cleaning whatever to doing craft projects.  I, for one, was stir crazy by day’s end but the plan to head to Nassau was something to look forward to.

After Rob resurfaced, we had a light, healthy meal and lashed down the rest of whatever needed it for the 35 mile offshore across the Northwest Channel.  We popped popcorn and put on a movie and got to bed early.  PS – anyone not having seen Prometheus, our vote would be, don’t bother (sorry, Jacob!)!

By the end of the movie, I was completely spent.  After not having gotten a decent night’s sleep for three nights (especially LAST NIGHT), I was over tired to a limit.  Of course, the wind picked up about that time and the lines in the mast started smacking back and forth, the lashed down dinghy squeaked and creaked against the hull, the wind howled in the mast and lines and I fell apart!  My dear, hard working husband did the best he could to silence the rattling, banging and such and we finally got to bed.

When we got up at 6, we touched base with Long Gone to find out that they had decided to stay in the Berrys to wait for another cruising buddy to arrive so we’d be traveling solo.  We said our goodbyes and planned to meet again somewhere “down the line”. 

The wind had died down and the seas were quite calm and we weighed anchor and headed out the channel.   With the light winds, Moonshadow needed the engine for the first hour or so but then things started to pick up and we cut the engine and sailed along at 6+ knots on a straight course for Nassau.

Nothing unusual to report and no amazing sunrises or sunsets to show, but we had a good passage, found our way into our slip at the Nassau Harbor Club and have found internet in various and sundry places.  First Starbucks to get the emails handled and now we’re sitting in a Texaco gas station watching the Bronco game and blogging . . . REALLY!  Who would have guessed?!  Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!

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