Monday, January 21, 2013

Visitors from Afar (01/21/13)

Well, it’s a week later and we’re on our own again.  We had a great time with Rich and Lisa and stayed at their condo the entire duration of their stay.  They had a timeshare exchange on Paradise Island with all the bells and whistles so it was quite the change of pace from what we’ve been living the past couple months.

We spent our time mostly just enjoying the surroundings and each other.  We cooked and walked the beach and sat by the pool and played games.  One afternoon we took the boat out to Rose Island and had a nice afternoon sail and lunchtime anchorage.

Matthew and Danyelle arrived on Wednesday although not exactly as planned.  I was really excited about their arrival and had arranged for a cab to be at the airport with one of those signs with his name on it.  I always thought it would be neat to come off of a plane and have my name on one of those – but I digress!  Anyway, that was the plan until the cab driver didn’t make it to the airport on time!

After quite a bit of scrambling and numerous phone calls, the driver finally made it to the airport and intercepted the kids.  Matthew was pretty frustrated by the time he arrived, over an hour late – but the cabbie showed perfect Bahamian hospitality and proceeded immediately to the first liquor store in sight, bought a six pack of Kalik and proceeded to share them with his fares.  Needless to say, spirits were much better by the time they made it to us!

We had a great visit together seeing all there is to see of Nassau and Paradise Island.  We biked around the island and over the bridge into Nassau downtown, we played and swam at the beach and pool, we played games and wandered and ate (conch everything!) and had a great time.  

Rich and Lisa left Saturday noon and we all gathered on Moonshadow for a farewell brunch.  The rest of the day was spent experimenting with snorkels on the beach and preparing a fresh lobster dinner that was the perfect finale to our time together.
My only regret is that with Rich and Lisa being in town and staying at their lovely place with room enough for us all, as well as two days with weather not exactly considered ideal, that we never got the kids out on the boat to experience the “real deal” of our sailing life.  Guess that will have to wait until next time!

With the family back home, we tied up loose ends and got off the dock.   We headed back over to Rose Island for the night before our planned crossing of the Exuma bank today.  We now sit off of Highbourne Cay after an easy motor sail.  The water became clearer as we crossed and in the few hours we had before the sun set, we managed to visit a beach covered in iguanas and snorkel a reef with more fish than I’ve ever seen.  Surely, this is where the real adventure begins!

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